Me: Judy got me up at 5:30 to beat the lines at the polls. I had to use an affadavit because they still had me down for the old address.. But I think it went though.
Pop/M: Please re send?
Me: never mind, no big deal. Just up extra early, just voted.
Pop/M: Great! The Republicans crapped in thear pants. Was there a long line at 6?
Me: Not out here, but I think it's pretty likely there's lines now.
Pop/M: Think this was a really book txt from your bro. I was thinking abt a channel 13 show abt the dinosaur comes being found in Alaska. Now this is Daniel:
think before the ice age alaska was all right climate wise.
Pop/M: a really <cool> txt dinosaur <bones>
Hugo Massien interview
Hugo Massien's "Remnants / London Underground 2014 - 16" EP is out now:
hear it on Spotify or buy vinyl & digital ----- Blackdown: So I think the
very natu...
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